among rock giants

Reino de los Mallos Bike

The territory of the Mallos Bike Kingdom, one of the kingdoms of “MTB KingdomsPyrenees”, is governed by our well-known “mallos”, stone giants that reach 300 meters high. A unique geological site worldwide, formed by the Mallos de Riglos, Peña Rueba and Mallos de Aguero. It is also a medieval land, dotted with castles, such as the Loarre Castle (11th century), hermitages and charming villages. Our beloved river Gállego, where you can enjoy its raging waters and where large birds of prey constantly fly over the sky, is the backbone of our region. In this territory you will enjoy unique routes and trails, in remote and wild placeswith a unique diversity. Choose your route and explore a unique territory

30 km

1085 m


3-4 horas

16 km

710 m


2-3 horas

100 km

1400 m


5-6 horas

Tourist services


Sponsor a trail

With your help we can keep the trails of the Kingdom of the Mallos in perfect condition, clean and clear of any obstacles. Donate the amount you prefer and that will allow us to work on the trail you have chosen.